1. MAd::dat.cooper15.3
    Data from Table 15.3 in The Handbook for Research Synthesis and Meta-Analysis (Cooper et al., 2009)
  2. MAd::dat.cooperA2
    Data from Table A2 in The Handbook for Research Synthesis and Meta-Analysis (Cooper et al., 2009)
  3. MAd::dat.hoyt
    Subset of simulated data to demonstrate aggregation for dependent effect sizes
  4. MAd::dat.sim.es
    Subset of simulated psychotherapy treatment studies (k=8) with dependent effect sizes
  5. MAd::dat.sim.final
    Final aggregated dataset of simulated psychotherapy treatment studies (k=8)
  6. MAd::dat.sim.raw
    Subset of simulated psychotherapy treatment studies (k=8) with means and SD
  7. MAd::dat.sim1
    Simulated psychotherapy treatment studies for 'outcome one'
  8. MAd::dat.sim2
    Simulated psychotherapy treatment studies for 'outcome two'
  9. RcmdrPlugin.MA::grief
    grief intervention data for meta-analysis (effect size data)
  10. RcmdrPlugin.MA::grief_mods
    grief intervention data for meta-analysis (moderator data)